Taking Stock

Have you ever felt at odds when you heard yourself answering the question ‘What have you been up to’? That realisation that you thought you would have answered completely differently, but the reality takes you by surprise?

I’ve just come back from a little yoga retreat and was reminded of the importance of ‘taking stock’, not only for the things that have gone wrong, but also to celebrate the things that have gone right.

We navigate through life, often bumbling along, not quite realising what is happening. However, taking the time to pay attention to where we are at, brings an awareness to the choices we are making (or avoiding). So that we don’t ‘wake up’ years later and wonder how on earth did we get here.

Taking stock ideas

You can take stock in lots of ways:

  • You can talk it through with someone, maybe ask them to respond by only asking you questions.

  • You can journal, perhaps writing a description of your life and see how that sits with you.

  • You can make a list of accomplishments over the past year. This can highlight how far you’ve come or show what still needs to be done.

  • You can sit quietly and reflect on your thoughts and feelings. (Without judgment, just observing) This increases self-awareness and can help bring a sense of clarity.

Here are some broader questions to ask to help take stock…

  • Career: Are you happy with your job? Are you working towards your goals? Do you feel fulfilled in your work?

  • Relationships: Are you surrounded by people who support and uplift you? Are your relationships fulfilling and healthy?

  • Health: Are you taking care of your body? Are you getting enough sleep, exercise, and healthy food?

  • Spirituality: Are you connected to something greater than yourself? Do you feel a sense of purpose in your life?

Once you have some answers the next step is to ask – what am I going to do?

Here I am, I am here

 “Here I am. I am here” was the phrase that made me stop and take stock. On the surface it seemed frivolous and trite. As I heard it, initially I thought ‘Derrrr, yes of course I am here!’… but then as I sat with my thoughts, it opened up a can of worms.

Why ‘of course’? Who said you should be here?

Where is ‘here’? On this earth? In this body? In this mind? In this soul? In this moment?

Who is ‘I’? What is ‘I’?

What is ‘to be’? What is existence?

…. And on it went.

I can’t say I came to a conclusion, but it did help shift my perspective. My realisation was that it is a gift to be on this earth, rather than a given.

My challenge is how can I make my choices to honour this gift? (Answers on a postcard)

Yoga off the mat

Yoga isn’t just about pulling great shapes on a mat. It is taking your yoga off the mat. Not only does yoga develop more awareness in the body, but in thoughts and feelings too. Maybe you’ve experienced this process of self-awareness and know the areas that need your attention. Have you taken any action on this information? What little step can you take?

This week the invitation is:

1. Find time to take stock.

2. Take one step to honour what you discovered.