FREE 120 Class Themes for Yoga Teachers pdf


FREE 120 Class Themes for Yoga Teachers pdf []

I was a tutor and course leader at YogaLondon for numerous years teaching on both the 200 hour & 500 hour Yoga teacher training course. As a teacher trainer I get asked similar questions from students. Here is my rather random resource page of either people I know or things that I use and feel might be of use.

(Click on the bold writing for link/download)

Anatomy Exam Panic - a Yoga Nidra designed to calm and at the same time revise for the Anatomy exam

Ashtanga Primary Series - a downloadable PDF of the traditional Ashtanga Primary series poses

Mantras - some wonderful recordings of mantras and other music with Gabriella Burnel

Sanskrit - develop your knowledge with a Sanskrit scholar

Yoga Sequence builder (affiliate) - sequence your classes using a pictures from an extensive library of asana drawings *

120 Free Class Themes -a free downloadable PDF of 120 Yoga themes for you to inspire your teaching

* If you subscribe to a year using this link, you get a month free and I get a mini commission.


200 Hour & 500 Hour

New trainings dates to be announced.

Currently I offer 2 CPD’s which can be taken independently or part of a 500hour accreditation.

  • CPD Practical Adjustments for Yoga Teachers (in person)

  • CPD Yoga for Sleep (in person or online)